Henty Series
Written by
Stephen Horn
on Thursday, November 08, 2007
I have just finished reading the G.A. Henty collection we have. We only have 73 books out of the 99. We bought them all from Vision Forum, and we have all the ones they sell. I started reading them in January 2007. It has taken me less time to read 73 books than it took Joshua and Rachel, my siblings, to read 30. My family thinks I can read very quickly. This is a picture of me in front of our Henty collection:
I am going to write an overview of each book as I re-read through our collection.
We are impressed with how fast you were able to read these books!!
We are looking forward to seeing you and your family this weekend. There are not many leaves left in the tress, but there are lots of them on the yard.
The Linder's
We are looking forward to seeing you to.
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